Broadway in Fort Lauderdale - Online Lottery
Ft. Lauderdale

Unfortunately the lottery is now closed for all performances.  Please email us at with any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enter?

Fill out the form above and press the “Submit” button. You can select as many performances as you are available to attend, however you can only enter once per performance. Duplicate entries will be discarded. You can only win the online lottery once, so choose only the performances you can attend. You will receive an email confirming your entry.

Did I win?

Drawings for all performances will occur at approximately 11:00 am EST on December 9, 2016. Notification emails will be sent out by approximately 12:00 pm EST on December 9, 2016 to both lottery winners and non-winners. Notification texts will also be sent to winners who provided their phone numbers when entering. If you don’t receive an email (and have checked your spam folder and promotions tab) then please email us at

I won! What do I do now?

Congratulations! You can buy the tickets online using the purchase link from your notification email! Tickets must be purchased online with a credit card by no later than 11:59 pm EST on December 12, 2016. Tickets cannot be combined with any other offer and are not valid on previously purchased tickets.

Click here for the full terms and conditions. Or email us at with any questions.

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